新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《腐蚀》的数据中心燃起来了,然后欧服玩家的存档没了


The data center of "corrosion" is on fire, and then the archives of European players are gone

2021-03-11 15:18:02来源: 游戏时光

动作冒险游戏《腐蚀》开发商 Facepunch Studios 在推特上发布公告,位于法国的 OVH 数据中心发生火灾,25 台服务器被摧毁,保存在其中的欧服游戏数据也全部丢失。在本次火灾中,OVH 数据中心的一整栋建筑被烧毁,其他建筑也遭到波及,有四栋楼的数据中心被迫停工。目前火势已得到控制,预计一周后恢复运行。在火势得到控制后,Facepunch Studios 在推特上更新了游戏服务器及数据的受损情况:我们确认到保存在受损服务器中的游戏数据已全部丢失,目前正在寻找替代用的服务器,丢失的数据无法恢复。Facepunch Studios 表示已经有不少欧洲服务器恢复运行(不含任何游戏数据),现在尚不清楚 OVH 数据中心恢复运行后对欧服会有怎样的影响。不过需要说明的是,《腐蚀》这款游戏本身就会定期清除数据,所

Facebook studios, the developer of action adventure game corrosion, announced on twitter that a fire broke out in the OVH data center in France, destroying 25 servers and losing all the game data stored in it. In this fire, a whole building of OVH data center was burned down, other buildings were also affected, and the data center of four buildings was forced to shut down. At present, the fire has been under control and is expected to resume operation in a week. After the fire was brought under control, facepunch studios updated the damaged situation of the game server and data on Twitter: we confirmed that all the game data stored in the damaged server has been lost, and we are looking for an alternative server, and the lost data cannot be recovered. Facepunch studios said that many European servers have resumed operation (excluding any game data), and it is not clear what impact the OVH data center will have on the European service after it resumes operation. However, it should be noted that "corrosion" this game itself will regularly clear the data, so that

标签: 玩家