新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam销量周榜:多人在线生存游戏《英灵神殿》五连冠


Steam weekly sales list: five consecutive titles of multiplayer online survival game "the temple of heroes"

2021-03-08 07:57:01来源: 游戏时光

新一周(3.1~3.7)的 Steam 销量榜出炉,本周位于销量榜榜首的仍是多人开放世界沙盒生存游戏《英灵神殿》(Valheim),目前本作已连续五周占据榜首,本作目前已卖出 500 多万份,好评率 96%。 位于第二的是一款独立游戏新作《循环勇者》,这是一款结合了卡牌构筑、放置、RPG、Roguelike 元素的像素游戏,但又和其他拥有这些要素的游戏体验大不相同,本作现获得了 95% 的好评率。位于第三的则是 Valve Index VR 套件。随着迄今为止内容最多的 4 号更新“德鲁伊”的推出,《博德之门3》重回销量榜第八。本周 Steam 销量排名《英灵神殿》《循环勇者》Valve Index VR 套件《深岩银河》《先驱者》预购《鬼谷八荒》《黑帝斯》《博德之门3》《反恐精英:全球行

In the new week (3.1 ~ 3.7), steam's sales list was released. This week, the number one game in the sales list is still valheim, a multiplayer open world sandbox survival game. At present, this work has occupied the top of the list for five consecutive weeks. At present, it has sold more than 5 million copies, with a high praise rate of 96%. &In the second place is a new independent game "the cycling brave", which is a pixel game combining card construction, placement, RPG and roguelike elements. However, it is quite different from other game experience with these elements. This work has won 95% praise. In third place is the valve index VR suite. With the launch of Druid, the number 4 update with the most content so far, Bode's gate 3 is back in the eighth place on the sales list. Steam's sales ranking this week: the temple of heroes, the cycle of the brave, the valve index VR suite, the deep rock galaxy, the pioneers, the eight wastes of ghost Valley, Hades, the gate of Bode 3, the anti terrorist Elite: a global tour

标签: 游戏 Steam