新关注 > 信息聚合 > 装机大佬整了台水冷PS5,还说要商品化贩卖


The installation boss made a water-cooled ps5 and said that it would be sold commercially

2021-03-08 10:57:31来源: 游戏时光

一位名叫“Nhenhophach”越南装机大佬专门手动打造定制化的 PC 贩卖。他花了两个月时间打造了一台全水冷系统的 PS5 主机,并表示自己很快就会将其商品化,售卖这些定制化的水冷 PS5 主机。视频地址 他拆解了 PS5,然后制作了完全定制的外壳,以便在自制的水冷系统中使用。要不是这款水冷 PS5 在外观设计加入了巨大的塑料侧板,它的体积会比原版 PS5 小不少。原版的 PS5 有一个直径长达 120 毫米的风扇,这也是 PS5 机身个头较大的原因之一。 Nhenhophach 表示这只是他自制的第一版水冷 PS5 主机,后续会有更多的版本,并正在为推出商业版本定制化水冷 PS5 主机

&A Vietnamese installation tycoon named "nhenhophach" specializes in making customized PCs by hand. It took him two months to build a fully water-cooled ps5, and he said that he would soon commercialize it and sell these customized water-cooled ps5. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; he disassembled the ps5 and then made a fully custom shell for use in a home-made water cooling system. Had it not been for the huge plastic side panels in the exterior design of this water-cooled ps5, its volume would have been much smaller than the original ps5. The original ps5 has a fan with a diameter of 120 mm, which is one of the reasons why the ps5 has a large fuselage. &This is only the first self-made version of the water-cooled ps5, and there will be more versions in the future, and the water-cooled ps5 is being customized for the commercial version

标签: PS