新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一名逃犯因冒险外出购买游戏被捕


A fugitive was arrested for risking going out to buy a game

2021-03-06 11:22:28来源: 游戏时光

英国一名男子去年越狱并躲藏了几个月后,在离开躲藏地去购买游戏时被捕。西米德兰兹郡的警方称,36 岁的伯明翰逃犯克林特·巴特勒(Clint Butler)于 2021 年 1 月 13 日冒险购买了一份《使命召唤 黑色行动 冷战》。他因抢劫和枪支犯罪被延长了 17 年的刑期,去年 11 月从白金汉郡的监狱溜了出来,一直在躲避警方的追捕。当警方发现巴特勒和其朋友后对方试图改道,这引起了警方的注意,他们问巴特勒在疫情爆发的封锁期间跑到外面来干什么,对方回答说“是为了拿新出的《使命召唤》”。警方随后询问了一些细节,这时巴特勒袭击了其中一名警察。被捕后,他因首次越狱被判 13 个月徒刑,又因袭警被判 6 个月徒刑,警方也对巴特勒冒险出来购买游戏的行为感到困惑。不过,如果仅仅是想玩《使命召唤 黑色行动 冷战》,直接买数字版

A British man was arrested when he left his hiding place to buy a game after escaping from prison last year and hiding for several months. The 36 year old Birmingham fugitive Clint Butler ventured to buy a copy of "call of Duty Black operation cold war" on January 13, 2021, police in West Midlands said. He was given an extended 17 year sentence for robbery and gun crimes, and slipped out of Buckinghamshire prison in November last year to avoid police pursuit. When the police found Butler and his friends, the other party tried to change the way, which attracted the attention of the police. They asked Butler what he was doing outside during the blockade period of the outbreak of the epidemic, and the other party replied, "it's to get the new call of duty.". The police then asked for some details when Butler attacked one of them. After his arrest, he was sentenced to 13 months' imprisonment for his first escape from prison and six months' imprisonment for assaulting police. The police were also puzzled by Butler's venture to buy the game. However, if you just want to play call of Duty Black action cold war, buy the digital version directly

标签: 游戏