新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动画电影《工作细胞:细胞大作战》确认引进国内


Animation film "working cell: cell battle" confirmed to be introduced into China

2021-03-01 16:34:05来源: 游戏时光

动画电影《工作细胞:细胞大作战》确认将由木棉花引进国内,目前档期未定,不过影片的首张海报和预告片已经公布。从宣传片来看,应该是《工作细胞 第二季》4-8 集的内容。视频:来源:木棉花

The animated film "working cell: cell battle" has been confirmed to be introduced into China by kapok. The current schedule has not been determined, but the first poster and trailer of the film have been released. Judging from the promotional video, it should be the content of episode 4-8 of working cell Season 2. Video: Source: kapok

标签: 电影