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《ENDER LILIES》:“萝莉版《空洞骑士》”不足以表达对它的期待

Ender lilies: "Lori's version of the empty Knight" is not enough to express the expectation of it

2021-02-26 15:29:00来源: 触乐

前一阵子,自公布以来就在爱好者圈内很受关注的银河城类游戏《ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights》上线了抢先体验版,目前在Steam上“好评如潮”。 花了三四个小时享受完全部内容之后,我不得不说这可能是2021年最值得期待的银河城类游戏之一,也难怪它能获得“萝莉版《空洞骑士》”的称号,如果完整版没有拉跨、烂尾的话,这倒是名副其实的。除此之外,它还有一些别的值得谈一谈的东西。 ■ 核心 很久很久以前,在远方有个叫做“边陲之国”的地方。某一天,这里突然下起了“死亡之雨”,所有生物都化为了狂暴的活尸“秽鬼”。在这个毁灭的世界里,一座教堂的深处,少女莉莉醒了过来。

A while ago, the galaxy City game "end lies: quitus of the Knights", which has attracted much attention in the fan circle since it was announced, has launched a preemptive experience version. Now it is & amp; quot; well received & amp; quot; on steam;.