新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《死亡轮回》新预告:在无尽的循环中找到出路


New notice of reincarnation of death: find a way out in endless cycle

2021-02-27 15:29:26来源: 游戏时光

IGN 在昨晚公开了一则《死亡轮回》的独家游戏介绍影像,展示了游戏中击杀的各种机制、极高机动性的位移能力,以及刺杀目标、场地环境变化、武器强化等内容。宣传片中为我们介绍游戏不同内容的正是本作的导演兼艺术总监 Dinga Bakaba。在不久前的「State Of Play」上,游戏也有一段新实机,出现了隐身、拟态等能力。本作预计于 2021 年 5 月 20 日登陆 PS5/PC 平台。

Ign released an exclusive video about reincarnation of death last night, showing various mechanisms of killing, highly mobile displacement ability, as well as assassinating targets, changes in site environment, weapon enhancement, etc. It is Dinga bakaba, the director and artistic director of the film, who introduces different contents of the game to us. On the recent "state of play", the game also has a new real machine, which has the abilities of invisibility and mimicry. This work is expected to land on ps5 / PC platform on May 20, 2021.