新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有人靠指责游戏玩家的「罪行」火了


Some people get angry by accusing gamers of "crime."

2021-02-25 18:14:31来源: 游戏时光

社交网络的林子大了,有时总会遇到一些奇怪的人。比如推特上有个叫「你能摸摸小狗吗?」(Can You Pet the Dog?)的账号,热衷于展示和收集游戏中「摸狗」的片段,他们还在 Steam 上把几乎所有能「摸狗」的游戏评测了个遍。因为抚摸小动物本身是件比较治愈的事情,该账号近两年来收获了大量拥趸,粉丝数直逼 50 万,而且业务范围似乎有延伸到「摸一切生物」的趋势。「你能摸摸小狗吗?」大多时间都是发这种内容不过他们并不是本文的主角,让我们将目光,聚焦于另一个以此为灵感而衍生出来的推特账号 —— 「你是否违反了《日内瓦公约》」(Can You Violate The Geneva Conventions)。这背后的运营者乔瓦尼·科安东尼奥(Giovanni Colantonio)就没那么暖心了,他的目的,是细数

When the forest of social network is big, sometimes we will meet some strange people. For example, there's a tweet called "can you touch the dog? (can you pet the dog?) is keen to show and collect clips of "touch the dog" in the game. They also evaluated almost all the games that can "touch the dog" on steam. Because touching small animals is a relatively healing thing, the account has gained a large number of fans in the past two years, with the number of fans reaching 500000. Moreover, its business scope seems to be extending to "touch all creatures". "Can you touch the dog? Most of the time, they post this kind of content, but they are not the protagonists of this article. Let's focus on another twitter account inspired by it - "can you violate the Geneva Conventions". The operator behind this, Giovanni colantonio, is not so warm-hearted. His purpose is to count

标签: 游戏 玩家