新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战国无双5》将于6月24日发售 全新宣传片、角色公布

《战国无双5》将于6月24日发售 全新宣传片、角色公布

"Wushuang 5 of Warring States period" will be released on June 24

2021-02-25 22:19:32来源: 游戏时光

在今天的《战国无双5》第一回特别节目放送上,光荣特库摩放出了本作的全新宣传片,并宣布本作将于 6 月 24 日登陆 PS4/NS 平台,7 月 27 日登陆 Xbox One/Steam 平台。《战国无双5》的中文版将与日文版同步推出。发售宣传片直播全程录像直到游戏发售,官方每个月都将举办直播活动,公布关于本作的新消息。游戏概要《战国无双5》再次启用了 2004 年发售 PS2 版《战国无双》时代背景。本作将聚焦于织田信长与明智光秀两位武将的人生,展现从应仁之乱到本能寺之变的战国历史。参战角色总共将有 27 名无双武将在《战国无双5》中登场,官方在今天的直播活动中公布了其中 9 人,其余角色的身份将在日后揭露。织田信长(CV:岛崎信长)明智光秀(CV:绿川光)羽柴秀吉(CV:上村祐翔)德川家康(CV:逢坂良太)

In today's first special program of "unparalleled 5 of the Warring States period", glorious tekumo released a brand-new promotional film of this work, and announced that this work will be launched on PS4 / NS platform on June 24 and Xbox one / steam platform on July 27. The Chinese version of Wushuang 5 will be launched simultaneously with the Japanese version. The official will hold a live activity every month to announce the new news about this work. The game summary "unparalleled in the Warring States 5" once again launched the 2004 PS2 version of "unparalleled in the Warring States" era background. This work will focus on the lives of Nobuta Zhitian and wise Guangxiu, and show the Warring States history from the chaos of Yingren to the change of instinctive temple. A total of 27 matchless generals will appear in "the Warring States period matchless 5". The official announced 9 of them in today's live broadcast. The identities of the rest of the characters will be revealed in the future. Nobuta Zhitian (CV: Nobuta Shimazaki) Shimizu Shimizu (CV: hirokawa) Hideki Yuchai (CV: Youxiang Shangcun) Tokugawa (CV: Ryuta tosaka)