新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英国游戏周销量:《超级马力欧3D世界+狂怒世界》二连冠


Sales volume of UK game week: Super Mario 3D world + rage world won the second consecutive championship

2021-02-22 09:26:44来源: 游戏时光

最新一期的英国游戏周销量公布了,任天堂于 2 月 12 日发售的“马力欧”系列加量移植作品《超级马力欧3D世界+狂怒世界》已连续两周夺得英国实体销量冠军,尽管伴随着 61% 的销量下滑,但它依然超过了因折扣连续两周销量上涨的《FIFA 21》(上上周提升 140%,上周提升 59%),并继续维持着 2021 年英国卖得最快的实体游戏地位。 同样迎来销量上涨的还有《马力欧赛车8 豪华版》,由于 Switch 主机的缺货,英国零售商店中的《马力欧赛车8 豪华版》Switch 同捆套装受到玩家们的抢购,因此本作销量提升了 19%,并且排名上升到了第三。 位于第四第五的分别为《集合啦!动物森友会》和《使命召唤 黑色行动 冷战》,销量分别下滑 4% 和 9%。 上周

The latest issue of UK game week sales announced that Nintendo's "Super Mario 3D world + fury world", an incremental porting work of "Mario" series released on February 12, has won the UK entity sales champion for two consecutive weeks. Despite the 61% decline in sales, it still surpasses FIFA 21 (last week's promotion), which has been rising for two consecutive weeks due to discounts 140%, up 59% last week), and continues to be the fastest-selling physical game in the UK in 2021. &As the switch host is out of stock, the switch bundle of "Mario 8 luxury" in British retail stores has been snapped up by players, so the sales volume of this work has increased by 19%, and the ranking has risen to the third place. &Amp; nbsp; the fourth and the fifth are collection! The animal crossing and the call for duty black action cold war fell by 4% and 9% respectively. &Last week

标签: 游戏