新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《忍者龙剑传 大师合集》公布 6月10日发售

《忍者龙剑传 大师合集》公布 6月10日发售

Ninja Dragon Sword Master Collection released for sale on June 10

2021-02-18 07:21:23来源: 游戏时光

光荣特库摩正式公布了《忍者龙剑传 大师合集》。本作收录了《忍者龙剑传∑》《忍者龙剑传∑2》《忍者龙剑传3:刀锋边缘》及此前已发布的服装、游戏模式等各种下载内容,玩家还能够操作绫音、瑞秋、红叶、霞 4 位女性角色与龙隼并肩战斗。视频地址《忍者龙剑传 大师合集》将于 6 月 10 日登陆 PS4/NS/Xbox One/Steam 平台。

Guangrong tekumo officially released the collection of Ninja Dragon Sword masters. This work includes "Legend of Ninja dragon sword ∑", "Legend of Ninja dragon sword ∑ 2", "Legend of Ninja dragon sword 3: edge of blade" and various download contents such as clothing and game modes that have been released before. Players can also operate four female characters, namely Ling Yin, Rachel, Hongye and Xia, to fight side by side with dragon falcon. Video address "Ninja Dragon Sword Master Collection" will be launched on PS4 / NS / Xbox one / steam platform on June 10.