新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《集合啦!动物森友会》「马力欧」主题联动2月25日上线


Gather! "Animal Crossing" and "horsepower" theme linkage were launched in February 25th.

2021-02-18 08:07:04来源: 游戏时光

任天堂宣布,《集合啦!动物森友会》「马力欧」主题联动将于 2 月 25 日上线。视频地址在视频中,我们能看到水管、砖块、金币、龟壳等诸多熟悉的「马力欧」游戏元素家具和衣服,其中水管还能进行岛屿内的传送。等到上线后,大家把自己的小岛做成一个「马力欧3D关卡」吧~

Nintendo announced, "assemble! The theme of Animal Crossing will be launched in February 25th. Video address in the video, we can see water pipes, bricks, gold coins, tortoise shells and many other familiar elements of "Mario" game furniture and clothes, among which water pipes can also carry out transmission within the island. When it's online, let's make our island into a "Mario 3D level"~