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《蜡笔小新 我与博士的暑假》或将支持中文

Crayon Shinzo and doctor's summer vacation may support Chinese

2021-02-19 20:08:04来源: 游戏时光

由《我的暑假》制作人绫部和主导开发的《蜡笔小新 我与博士的暑假 无尽的七日之旅》在昨天的任天堂直面会上正式公布,吸引到了不少玩家的目光。尽管游戏目前仅有日文版,不过绫部和在个人推特表示,“可能会有中文版本”。期待游戏能早日正式官方宣布支持中文。 《蜡笔小新 我与博士的暑假 无尽的七日之旅》 将于 2021 年夏季发售。

"Crayon Shinzo and doctor's endless seven day trip in summer vacation" was officially announced at Nintendo's face-to-face meeting yesterday, and attracted the attention of many players. Although the game is currently available only in Japanese, ayamoto said on personal twitter that "there may be a Chinese version.". We look forward to the official announcement of support for Chinese as soon as possible.