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World of Warcraft classic nostalgic Costume "burning expedition" announced

2021-02-20 07:19:24来源: 游戏时光

暴雪正式公开了《魔兽世界》新的怀旧服「燃烧的远征」,预计 2021 年开服。视频地址根据介绍,目前在经典怀旧服的玩家可以选择前往「燃烧的远征」,或者呆在旧世经典服。

Blizzard has officially released world of Warcraft's new nostalgic costume, the burning expedition, which is expected to open in 2021. Video address according to the introduction, players in classic nostalgic clothes can choose to go to "burning expedition" or stay in classic clothes.

标签: 魔兽世界