新关注 > 信息聚合 > 改编游戏《五等分的新娘》开场动画公布


Adaptation of the game "five equal bride" opening animation released

2021-02-04 18:26:55来源: 游戏时光

Mages. 在今天公开了改编 ADV 游戏《五等分的新娘∬~夏日的回忆也五等分~》的开场动画,本作预计于 3 月 25 日登陆 PS4/Switch 平台。在《五等分的新娘∬~夏日的回忆也五等分~》中,玩家将和五姐妹“在无人岛度过一段怦然心动的生活”。

Mages. Has released the opening animation of the adaptation of ADV game "the bride of five equal points - the memory of summer is also five equal points", which is expected to land on PS4 / switch platform on March 25. In "the bride of five equal parts - the memory of summer is also five equal parts", the player and the five sisters will "have a thrilling life on the uninhabited island".

标签: 游戏