新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《三国志14with威力加强版》全新免费及付费DLC现已推出


The new free and paid DLC of "Three Kingdoms" has been launched

2021-01-28 16:38:01来源: 游戏时光

台湾光荣特库摩宣布旗下历史模拟系列新作《三国志14 with 威力加强版》已于今日(1 月 28 日)推出“刘备入蜀”收费剧本 DLC 和“华北霸者‧袁绍”及“动画鉴赏”功能等免费更新。本作还将于未来更新更多免费内容。 付费剧本 DLC“刘备入蜀” 称霸战纪剧本“刘备入蜀”的故事背景为 211 年 6 月,此时已取得荆州的刘备决定踏入蜀地,三国鼎立的局势指日可待。玩家可游玩“刘备”、“刘璋”及“张鲁”势力,并在该剧本下体验专有的“落凤坡”、“马超归顺”等事件,重现名著《三国演义》中的重大转折点。 付费剧本 DLC“新名品编辑功能” “新名品编辑功能”是以游戏中登场的名品为基础,自由更换名称、效果并制成全新名品的功能。玩家

Taiwan glorious tekumo announced that its new historical simulation series "the chronicles of the Three Kingdoms 14 with power Enhanced Edition" has released free updates such as "Liu Bei's entry into Shu" script DLC, "North China bully Yuan Shao" and "animation appreciation" function today (January 28). More free content will be updated in the future. &The background of DLC "Liu Bei's entry into Shu" is June 211, when Liu Bei, who has already made Jingzhou, decides to enter Shu, and the situation of the Three Kingdoms is just around the corner. Players can play with the forces of "Liu Bei", "Liu Zhang" and "Zhang Lu", experience the exclusive events of "luofengpo" and "Ma Chao Guishun" under the script, and reproduce the major turning point in the famous novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. &"New famous product editing function" of DLC for paid Script & amp; nbsp; "new famous product editing function" is a function of freely changing names, effects and making new famous products based on famous products appearing in the game. game player