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Engine Software称有兴趣将《杀手7》移植到Switch

Engine software says it is interested in porting killer 7 to switch

2020-11-02 09:48:06来源: 游戏时光

  在上周三(10月28日)的任天堂迷你直面会后,经典动作游戏《英雄不再1+2》的移植版终于顺利登陆了 NS 平台。随后,游戏制作人须田刚一在其个人推特上证实,该作的 NS 版移植工作是由荷兰的 Engine Software 负责。而不为人知的是,该厂商还曾负责了另一款由草蜢工作室开发的,极具另类风格的动作冒险游戏《杀手7》的 PC 版移植工作。  近期有传言称, Engine Software 正在着手进行《杀手7》的 NS 版本移植工作,不过很快便被该公司所有人兼副总裁 Ruud van de Moosdijk 否认。在采访中,Moosdijk 向媒体透露,该公司目前并未着手进行《杀手7》的移植工作,不过须田刚一愿意,他们非常有兴趣协助该作登陆 NS 平台。  “据我所知,《杀手7》的 NS 版目前还没有

After Nintendo's Mini face-to-face meeting last Wednesday (October 28), the transplanted version of the classic action game "hero no longer 1 + 2" finally landed on the NS platform. Later, game producer Gangyi Xutian confirmed on his personal twitter that the NS version of the work was transplanted by Dutch engine software. What's not known is that the manufacturer was responsible for porting the PC version of killer 7, an alternative style action adventure game developed by grasshopper studio. Recently, it was rumored that engine software was starting to transplant the NS version of killer 7, but it was soon denied by Ruud van de moosdijk, the owner and vice president of the company. In the interview, moosdijk disclosed to the media that the company has not started the transplantation of killer 7 at present, but Xutian Gangyi is willing, and they are very interested in helping the work log on to NS platform. "As far as I know, the NS version of killer 7 is not available yet

标签: Switch