新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《Apex英雄》可能推出“吃鸡”以外的玩法


"Apex hero" may introduce other ways to play than "eat chicken"

2020-11-01 13:48:32来源: 游戏时光

  Respawn 暗示,他们对旗下的《Apex 英雄》有大型更新计划,玩家“将来可能会看到它不仅仅是一款吃鸡游戏”。  《Apex 英雄》的游戏总监 Chad Grenier 告诉媒体,“如果展望未来,我们内部有过很多讨论,我们是否应该扩展吃鸡之外的玩法?我们有如此多受人喜爱的英雄 —— 还能如何去充分地利用他们?“  Grenier 证实,《Apex 英雄》的第三张地图,最初是作为仍未确认开发的《泰坦天降3》而设计的。  “在推出《泰坦天降2》之后,我们曾做过一些《泰坦天降3》的工作,“Grenier 说。“而奥林匹斯当时并不叫奥林匹斯,不过这种风格的地图是我们为下一款《泰坦天降》游戏所做的探索。"  据悉,《Apex 英雄》第七赛季“冲上云霄”将不仅于引入新地图、新英雄和新载具,它可能带来战术上的全新改变

Respawn suggested that they have a big update plan for its "apex hero" and that players "may see it is more than just a chicken eating game in the future.". "If we look forward to the future, we have had a lot of internal discussions. Should we expand the way of playing other than eating chicken? We have so many beloved heroes - how can we make the most of them? "Grenier confirmed that the third map of apex hero was originally designed as Titan 3, which has not yet been confirmed for development. "After Titan 2, we did some work on Titan 3," Grenier said. "And Olympus was not called Olympus at that time, but this style of map is our exploration for the next Titan game. &It is reported that the seventh season of "apex hero" will not only introduce new maps, new heroes and new vehicles, but also bring new changes in tactics