新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《盖塔机器人》最终章将于2021年夏季动画化


The final chapter of gaita robot will be animated in the summer of 2021

2020-11-02 14:13:14来源: 游戏时光

  经典科幻题材漫画《盖塔机器人》将再度改编 TV 动画,官方宣布动画将于 2021 年夏季播出,并将于 11 月 2 日~9 日期间在 Youtube 上免费播出三部 OVA 动画旧作。 视频地址  《盖塔机器人》为 1974 年由永井豪原作,石川贤作画的科幻题材漫画,国内又译三一万能侠,讲述神秘的宇宙能源“盖塔射线”导致大部分远古恐龙灭绝,而少数逃入地底的恐龙进化成智慧生物并组建成帝国,而他们与人类的交战也日益激烈,这时科学家开发出了用“盖塔射线”做能源的巨大机器人,以此来保卫人类。  《盖塔机器人》在漫画推出的同一年就曾被改编给电视动画,后共推出四部原作漫画、三部 TV 动画、三部 OVA、三部剧场版动画。新动画将由动画公司 Bee・Media 负责制作,川越淳氏担任监督。OVA《真盖塔 世界最后之日》(

The classic science fiction comic "GATA robot" will be adapted from TV animation again. The official announced that the animation will be broadcast in the summer of 2021, and three old ova animations will be broadcast free on YouTube from November 2 to 9. The video address of gaita robot is 1974 A science fiction cartoon, originally written by yongjinghao and painted by Ishikawa Hsien, is also translated into Sany omnipotent man in China. It tells the story that the mysterious cosmic energy "GATA ray" led to the extinction of most ancient dinosaurs, while a few dinosaurs that escaped underground evolved into intelligent creatures and formed empires. The war between them and human beings became increasingly fierce. At this time, scientists developed "GATA ray" as an energy source In order to protect human beings. Gaita robot was adapted to TV animation in the same year that the cartoon was launched. After that, it launched four original cartoons, three TV animations, three ova animations and three theater animations. The new animation will be produced by the animation company bee media with Chunshi Chuanyue as the supervisor. Ova the last day of the real Gaeta world(