新关注 > 信息聚合 > 堀井雄二:将在2021年公布《勇者斗恶龙》系列的更多消息


Horie: more news about the "brave fight the dragon" series will be released in 2021

2020-11-02 10:19:47来源: 游戏时光

在早些时候的《勇者斗恶龙X》秋季祭典的闭幕式上,系列主创堀井雄二表示将在 2021 年公开《勇者斗恶龙》系列的更多消息。  他在活动上说:  非常感谢今天的活动。明年,《勇者斗恶龙》将迎来 35 周年。我相信,我们可以借此公布很多消息。而在阿索特尔迪亚(《勇者斗恶龙 X》的世界)中,还有很多值得期待的乐趣。今后请大家继续支持《勇者斗恶龙》。非常感谢!  目前有一些已知的正在开发中的《勇者斗恶龙》项目,Square Enix 可能会在 2021 年分享最新情况,其中包括:《Infinity Strash 勇者斗恶龙 达伊大冒险》—— 公布于 2020 年 5 月,本游戏是根据系列漫画和动画改编的动作 RPG 游戏。尚未公布是否会登陆主机以外的平台,预计于 2021 在日本

&At the closing ceremony of the autumn festival of "the brave fight the Dragon X" earlier, the series's creator, shigeri hori, said that he would release more information about the series in 2021. He said at the event: Thank you very much for today's event. Next year, "the brave fight the dragon" will celebrate its 35th anniversary. I believe that we can make a lot of news. And there's a lot of fun to look forward to in athotelia. Please continue to support "the brave fight the dragon" in the future. Thank you very much. At present, there are some known projects under development, square Enix may share the latest situation in 2021, including "infinity strash the dragon's Day adventure" - released in May 2020, this game is an action RPG game based on a series of comics and animations. It has not yet announced whether it will land on platforms other than the host, and is expected to be launched in Japan in 2021