新关注 > 信息聚合 > SUNING惜败DWG,《英雄联盟》全球总决赛落幕


Sun Ning narrowly loses to DWG

2020-11-01 00:17:04来源: 游戏时光

在今日举办的 2020 年英雄联盟全球总决赛上,LCK 一号种子 Damwon Gaming(DWG) 依靠着强势稳定的运营与节奏最终以 3 : 1 的比分击败 LPL 三号种子 SUNING 夺得了 2020 年英雄联盟全球总决赛冠军,至此,长达一个多个月的赛事最终落下帷幕。 作为 LPL 三号种子的 SUNING 战队,从小组赛开始便展露锋芒,四强赛之时便凭借着出色的团战思路战胜了 LPL 的一号种子 TOP ESPROT 晋级总决赛,而 LCK 一号种子 Damwon Gaming 更是凭借着缜密的运营一路过关斩将。 当然,对于 LPL 来说,少年壮志总难愁,今一别,勿相忘。 

&At the 2020 League of heroes global Finals held today, Lck No.1 seed damwon gaming (DWG) won the championship of 2020 League of heroes global finals by defeating LPL No.3 seed sun ing with a score of 3:1 relying on its strong and stable operation and rhythm. So far, the competition lasting for more than one month has finally come to an end. &As the No.3 seed of LPL, Suning team showed its edge from the beginning of the group stage. In the final four, it won the top esprot of LPL with its excellent team fighting ideas and advanced to the finals, while damwon gaming, the No.1 seed of Lck, won the finals with its careful operation. &Of course, for LPL, it's hard to worry about young people's ambition. Don't forget about it. &nbsp

标签: 英雄联盟