新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛博朋克风砍杀游戏《幽灵行者》正式上线PS4、Xbox One与PC平台

赛博朋克风砍杀游戏《幽灵行者》正式上线PS4、Xbox One与PC平台

Cyberpunk slash game ghost Walker officially launched on PS4, Xbox one and PC platforms

2020-10-28 09:23:18来源: 游戏时光

  由 505 Games 与 All In! Games 联合发行的第一人称赛博朋克风格跑酷动作游戏《幽灵行者》于 10 月 28 日 00:00 时正式上线 PS4/Xbox One/PC 平台。Switch 平台版本将在 2020 年 11 月上线。视频地址  玩家在游戏中将扮演幽灵行者,战斗并登上未来末日中人类最后的高塔城市,在名为“缔造者”的神秘 AI 指引下,揭开幽灵行者的过往故事并推翻暴君“密钥师”的统治。  游戏一击必杀的机制令战斗激烈而快速,快速重生与丰富的检查点让玩家有机会克服各种困难的挑战。玩家还可以进入赛博领域解锁各种新能力,例如“风暴”(短程的冲击波) 与“激涌”(从刀中射出能量束击杀路径上的敌人)。  PS4 与 Xbox One 的《幽灵行者

The first person cyberpunk style Parkour action game ghost walker, jointly released by & amp; nbsp; 505 games & amp; nbsp; and & amp; nbsp; all in! Games & amp; nbsp; was officially launched on the PS4 / Xbox one / PC platform at 00:00 on October 28. The switch platform version will be launched in November 2020. Video address players will play the role of ghost Walker in the game, fight and ascend the last tower city of mankind in the future doomsday. Under the guidance of mysterious AI named "creator", they will uncover the past story of ghost Walker and overthrow the rule of tyrant "key master". The game's one hit and kill mechanism makes the battle fierce and fast, and the rapid rebirth and rich checkpoints give players the opportunity to overcome all kinds of difficult challenges. Players can also enter cyberspace to unlock new abilities, such as "storm" (short-range shockwave) and "surge" (shooting energy beam from the knife to kill enemies on the path). PS4 and Xbox one's ghost Walker

标签: 游戏 Xbox PS PS4 PC