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Morning news (October 28)

2020-10-28 07:00:00来源: 游戏时光

游戏新闻《赛博朋克2077》延期至12月10日  CD Projekt Red 宣布,原定于 2020 年 11 月 19 日发售的《赛博朋克2077》将延期 21 天,新的发售日为 12 月 10 日。  工作室向玩家解释称,游戏目前有面向 9 个平台的版本,为了让每个版本的游戏都能够运行顺畅,他们需要更多的时间。  此前游戏已经宣布“完工”,但完工意味着游戏已经制作完成了全部内容,开发团队仍然在为了提升质量而努力。多图注意,大批PS5实机开箱图到来  大批外媒解禁了 PS5 实机上手的图片和视频,更近距离感受次世代 PlayStation 的外观造型和实机印象。让我们一睹为快吧。更多图片请点击标题进入完整新闻页面查看。PS5向下兼容《战神》存档可继承 支持60FPS运行  索尼圣莫尼卡工作室在官方推特上宣布

Game news "cyberpunk 2077" has been postponed to December 10. CD Projekt red announced that the original release date of "cyberpunk 2077" scheduled for November 19, 2020 will be postponed for 21 days, with a new release date of December 10. The studio explained to the players that the game currently has versions for nine platforms. In order to make each version of the game run smoothly, they need more time. Previously, the game has been announced as "completed", but completion means that the game has been produced in full, and the development team is still working hard to improve the quality. Multiple pictures notice that a large number of pictures and videos of ps5 real machines are coming, and a large number of foreign media have lifted the ban on pictures and videos of ps5 real machines, so as to feel the appearance and real machine impression of next generation Playstation more closely. Let's have a look. For more pictures, please click the title to enter the full news page. Ps5 is downward compatible with ares archive and can be inherited to support 60fps operation, Sony Santa Monica studio announced on official twitter