新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《歧路旅人》艺术设定集2021年1月发售


The art set of the traveler on the wrong road will be on sale in January 2021

2020-11-02 13:51:02来源: 游戏时光

  Square Enix 商城今日上架了《歧路旅人》(八方旅人)艺术设定集《OCTOPATH TRAVELER Design Works THE ART OF OCTOPATH 2016-2020》,售价 2970 日元(含税),预计 2021 年 1 月 28 日发售,现已开启预订【传送门】。  设定集尺寸为 A4,共 208 页。这是《歧路旅人》系列首次发售艺术设定集,设定集收录了包括便服设定在内的角色设定、概念图和像素画等各种内容。  除游戏本篇外,设定集将收录系列手游《歧路旅人 大陆的霸者》的概念艺术图、角色设定等。设定集封面由负责角色设计的生岛直树先生创作。

Square Enix mall today put on sale the art of optopath traveler design works the art of optopath 2016-2020, which is expected to be on sale on January 28, 2021. Now it has opened the reservation [portal]. Set the set size to A4, 208 pages in total. This is the first time that the series of "travelers on the wrong side of the road" is on sale. The art set includes character setting, concept map and pixel painting, including casual clothes setting. In addition to this part of the game, the set will include a series of mobile games "travelers on the wrong road"