新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《轩辕剑柒》售前预告与版本信息公开


Pre sale notice and version information disclosure of Xuanyuan Jianqi

2020-10-28 15:58:34来源: 游戏时光

  《轩辕剑柒》将于 2020 年 10 月 29 日于 Steam 平台正式解锁,数字标准版售价99元。官方于今日公开了游戏的售前预告:视频地址  本作是大宇资讯旗下 DOMO 工作室制作的经典单机 RPG《轩辕剑》系列的第十三款正统单机作品,故事发生在西汉末年至新朝,玩家将扮演沉稳的剑客太史昭,为守护家人,与清纯灵动的妹妹太史湘、青梅竹马的墨家侠女褚红一起,在妖魔横行、战乱肆虐的乱世展开冒险。  在游戏中,除了诡秘的黑火妖魔和奇异的神话怪物外,玩家也将遇到理军、墨家等历史中的知名势力,而一代英豪刘秀与之领导的绿林军,也将在《轩辕剑柒》中占有重要戏份。  《轩辕剑柒》是系列第一部动作角色扮演游戏,除了连招、武技、闪避、格挡、反击等要素外,本作也融合了系列经典的天书、收妖炼妖等玩法。玩家可以使用天书系统打造更强

Xuanyuan Jianqi will be officially released on steam platform on October 29, 2020. The price of digital standard version is 99 yuan. The official announced the pre-sale notice of the game today: the video address is a classic stand-alone video produced by Domo studio of Daewoo information The 13th orthodox single player work of RPG Xuanyuan sword series takes place from the end of the Western Han Dynasty to the new dynasty. The player will play Taishi Zhao, a steady swordsman. In order to protect his family, he will take risks with his pure and smart sister Taishi Xiang and Chu Hong, a young Mohist chivalrous girl, in the turbulent world of demons and war. In the game, in addition to the mysterious black fire demons and strange mythical monsters, players will also encounter famous forces in history, such as Li Jun and Mohist, and the green forest army led by a generation of hero Liu Xiu will also play an important role in Xuanyuan sword seven. "Xuanyuan sword seven" is the first action role-playing game in the series. In addition to the elements of combo, martial arts, Dodge, block, counterattack and so on, this work also integrates the series of classic play methods such as Tianshu, collecting demons and refining demons. Players can use the Tianshu system to create stronger