新关注 > 信息聚合 > 完美世界王清平:践行社会责任 构建社会企业共生环境

完美世界王清平:践行社会责任 构建社会企业共生环境

Perfect world Wang Qingping: practice social responsibility and build symbiotic environment for social enterprises

2020-10-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网北京10月14日电(记者 余璐)14日下午,由人民网主办的“2020游戏责任论坛”正式举行,本次论坛以“践行初心使命、体现责任担当”为主题,围绕如何丰富产品内涵、传承优秀文化、履行社会责任等话题展开。会上还发布了《游戏企业社会责任报告(2020)》,并启动“游戏扶贫与乡村振兴公益行动”,联合众多企业和社会力量,积极承担社会责任、投身慈善公益、推动行业供给侧改革。 完美世界控股集团党委书记王清平指出,新冠疫情使企业成为参与社会治理的重要的力源之一,面对新变局、新环境,游戏企业需要更加关注并积极履行社会责任,但社会责任不仅仅是捐款与慈善。在疫情期间,完美世界控股集团发挥自身优势,集团旗下的完美鲲鹏推出的动画片《宇宙护卫队》,以充满正能量的文化产品满足社会公众。在公司手游《神雕侠侣2》泰国公测版本上线之际,为

People's daily, Beijing, October 14 (Reporter Yu Lu) - on the afternoon of 14, the "2020 game responsibility forum" hosted by people's daily was officially held. The theme of the forum is "practice the original mission and embody the responsibility", focusing on how to enrich the product connotation, inherit the excellent culture and fulfill the social responsibility. At the meeting, the social responsibility report of game enterprises (2020) was also released, and the "game poverty alleviation and Rural Revitalization public welfare action" was launched, which combined with many enterprises and social forces to actively undertake social responsibility, participate in charity and public welfare, and promote the supply side reform of the industry. Wang Qingping, Secretary of the perfect world holding group, pointed out that COVID-19 has made the enterprise an important source of participation in social governance. In the face of new changes and new circumstances, game companies need to pay more attention to and actively fulfill their social responsibilities, but social responsibility is not just donations and kindness. During the epidemic period, the perfect world holding group took advantage of its own advantages, and its perfect Kunpeng released the cartoon "cosmic escort" to satisfy the public with cultural products full of positive energy. When the Thai public beta version of the company's mobile game "Hero 2" goes online, it is

标签: 完美世界