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天才宝宝的六一 《新破天》天生神童艳惊四座

Baby geniuses of 61 "new day" born prodigy Yan startled four

2015-05-27 16:38:28来源: 游久网

提到孩子就头痛,那你一定是遇到了三天不打,上房揭瓦的熊孩子。《新破天》的宝宝们可是技艺超群,惊艳四座的天才宝宝!六一将至,快快带上娇妻萌宝,寻处江湖美景,打开黑猫警长的BGM,重温童年时光吧! 《新破天》的宝宝们堪称武侠界的“模范宝宝”,小家伙们的个性和能力绝对来自父母的遗传,亲生的就...

referred to child will have a headache, then you must be met for three days, ending expose tile to bear a child. "New day" the children's art, stunning four genius baby! Six one is approaching, quickly bring the wife adorable treasure, find the beauty of corners, open the black sergeant BGM, relive the childhood! The new broken days of the baby called the martial arts world model baby, the little guy's personality and ability absolutely derived from the parents of the genetic, biological...