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已亮瞎勿念 哥们网《天书世界》西域争霸图集

Has bright blind do not read buddy network "Double Dutch world" contend for hegemony of Western Atlas

2015-05-28 14:03:37来源: 07073游戏网

“这天下,合久必分,分久必合,兴亡总有定。”——张靓颖。 一曲《天书世界》,张靓颖唱出了分分合合的乱世三国情怀,让广大玩家在烽火狼烟且情意绵绵的沙场上尽情沉醉。此役,哥们网《天书世界》有意在逐鹿中原玩法的基础上,进一步拓展战斗的区域和范围,推出全新的“西域版图大战”,让三国战火漫延全...

"this world, will for a long time," the rise and fall of the total set. " -- Jane Zhang. Song "Double Dutch world" Jane to sing the division and integration of the three troubled times feeling, make the majority of players in the flames of Langyan and wistful and battlefield indulge. Campaign, the buddy network "Double Dutch world" interested in Central Plains play based, to further expand the battle area and range, launched a new "western territory wars", let the Three Kingdoms war spread full...