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神器传说公测庆典 参与活动领万份Q币

Artifact legends beta celebration to participate in the activities of collar million copies of Q coins Sina

2015-05-26 23:02:49来源: 新浪

特别的活动给特别的你,绝对是真的!3D东方奇幻冒险网游《神器传说》借活动之名,给广大玩家送奖励啦。Q币、话费、京东卡免费领,偷偷告诉你,小编已经验证过了,中奖率可是超级高哦,好话不说三遍,快来!快来!快来! 【一键参与 丰厚奖励轻松拿】 5月22日-6月10日期间,通过《神器传说...

special to special you, is absolutely true! 3D Oriental Fantasy Adventure online games "artifact legend" by the name of the activities, to the majority of players send bonus. Q coins, bills, Jingdong card free collar, secretly tell you, small series have been validated over, the winning rate but super high Oh, words do not say three times, come! Come on! Come on! [a key to participate in generous reward easy to take in May 22nd -6 10, through the artifact legend...