新关注 > 信息聚合 > 佟丽娅代言《黑夜传说》今日双平台震撼公测!


Tongliya endorsement "Underworld" today dual platform shock beta! Tong Liya

2015-05-20 11:34:35来源: 4399

佟丽娅倾情代言、大力推荐,3D动作手游《黑夜传说之狼人归来》今日(5月20日)10:00火爆公测!双族之间的搏斗、地下世界的争夺、一场腥风血雨的战争,在此拉开帷幕,书写属于你的《黑夜传说之狼人归来》! 双族之争 争夺地下世界的王者权利 游戏采用西方传说中的“吸血鬼和狼人”为游戏题材,...

tilt sentiment endorsement, strongly recommended, 3D motion of the hand tour of the underworld werewolf return "today (May 20) 10:00 hot beta! The contention of the struggle between the two communities, the underground world, a bloody war, kicked off here, writing belongs to you the night legend of the werewolf return". Two family dispute for underground world king of the rights of the game by Western legend "vampires and werewolves" as the theme of the game,...