新关注 > 信息聚合 > 水友长文:全新6.84C下DOTA界的格局变幻


Water friends Ban Ki Moon: dota circles under the new 6.84C pattern changes

2015-05-20 15:38:56来源: 超级玩家

闻弦歌而知雅意 -------------全新6.84C下dota界的格局变幻 如我们所熟知的一样,Dota2职业赛事一直引领着Dota2的发展,一场大赛上的成功的战术打法和新开发的英雄立马会在天梯变的火爆,同时Dota2职业赛事也让开发者密切注视着,从而使得这个游戏更加富有活力...

smell chord song known dota circles new 6.84C Yayi - the pattern changes such as we are familiar with the same and dota2 professional tournament has been leading the dota2 development, a contest of successful tactical play and new development of hero immediately will in ladder become hot, also dota2 professional events also allows developers to closely watching, so as to make the game more dynamic.

标签: DOTA