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冷饭狂魔卡普空领衔 恶名昭著的知名游戏厂商

Cold rice Adolf Karp empty well-known game makers led by the notorious

2015-05-11 09:09:45来源: 大河网

如今是新老主机交接的尴尬时机。为了不把鸡蛋放到一个篮子里,许多厂商索性全平台开发,无形中提高了开发难度和成本。所谓“退潮之后才知道谁在裸泳”,各大游戏厂商在这艰难的岁月里,为了追求利益最大化,不得不使出浑身解数。其间不乏各种节操尽毁的昏招,损招,引来无数骂名。 背负骂名的多家厂商 冷...

is now the new and old host over the awkward time. In order not to put the egg in a basket, many manufacturers simply full platform development, increase the difficulty of development and cost. The so-called "low tide to know who is swimming naked", the major game manufacturers in this difficult time, in order to maximize the pursuit of interests, have resorted to use all one's skill. There is no shortage of all kinds of moral destroys the bad, Sunzhao, attracted numerous infamy. A number of manufacturers to bear the infamy of cold...

标签: 游戏