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战神归来新手职业选择攻略 职业介绍分析

Ares return novice occupation selection Raiders introduced

2015-05-09 16:09:43来源: 4399

战神归来游戏对于新手玩家来说选择职业是首要的第一步,那么哪个职业最好,更受玩家青睐呢?下面小编先来一一介绍下这些职业吧~ 游戏职业分为战士、刺客、法师、弓手 战士属于经典近战强攻职业,自古战士无弱旅,操作简单易上手,特色防御盾技能使其成为战场的肉盾,新手推荐使用。 上手难度:1颗...

ares return occupation occupation choice game for the novice game player is the first big step, so which occupation best, more popular game player? The small first introduced under the occupation. The game is divided into occupation soldiers, assassins, mage, Archer warriors are the classic melee storm occupation, ancient warrior is not easy, easy operation, the characteristics of shield skills make it become the battlefield shield, novice recommended. Start difficulty: 1...