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重火力出击 《亮剑2》战争模式盘点

The heavy firepower attack "sword 2" war games inventory

2015-04-28 10:45:38来源: 多玩游戏

作为一款优秀的军旅网游,《亮剑2》在营造重塑战争时代的同时,以彪悍经典的战斗武器、惊心动魄的火力交战场面以及酷炫酣畅的作战技能,酣畅漓淋描摹打造坦克战、海战等多样化战争模式,引领玩家们从中感受军魂崛起、重火力交战的热血与激情。 首款热血军旅网游 《亮剑2》官网:http://lj...

as an excellent military games, "2" sword in creating remodeling war era at the same time, the tough classic combat weapon, fire fighting scenes and be struck with fright and cool combat skills, and build tank battle, Li Lin to naval diversification war mode, leading the rise, from their game player to feel the soul of heavy fire fighting blood and passion. The first blood military games "sword 2" official website: http://lj...