新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《盗梦英雄》装备选择攻略 装备属性详解

《盗梦英雄》装备选择攻略 装备属性详解

"Pirates of the dream of a hero" equipment selection strategy of property and equipment

2015-04-01 23:01:57来源: TechWeb

盗梦英雄有着非常丰富的装备系统,在众多装备中该如何选择才能更好的提高英雄属性呢?我们该如何选择使用装备?小编今天就为大家带来《盗梦英雄》装备选择攻略及装备属性系统详解。 装备选择思路 缘分装备和橙装优先—— 在游戏中,每个英雄都有自己的缘分装备,最少有两件是带缘分的装备,而且这两件...

explain the Pirates of the dream hero has a equipment system is very rich, in numerous equipment how to choose the attribute in order to better improve the hero? How should we choose to use the equipment? Today Xiaobian for everyone to bring "Pirates of the dream of a hero" equipment selection strategy and property and equipment system. Equipment selection of equipment and orange priority fate -- in the game, each hero has his fate at least two pieces of equipment, with the fate of the equipment, and the two...