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月光宝盒游戏角色一览 四大角色任你挑选

The moonlight treasure box game character of four roles as you choose

2015-03-30 11:54:31来源: 4399

《月光宝盒(电影正版)》游戏包含四大职业,也代表着游戏内的四大势力,以下我们为你一一介绍: 道家至尊,主要武器为剑,云霄宫一派创立已有两千余年,乃是天下道教之魁首。门下弟子善用高深莫测的道法克敌,威力绝伦。 妖界之王,不知何时,不知何故而避居千月谷的神秘妖族,似受某种力量庇护,整个山...

"Pandora's box (film genuine)" the game consists of four major occupation, but also represent the four major forces in the following game, we introduce you one one: Taoist supreme, the main weapon is the sword, the sky palace school founded more than two thousand years, is the leader of world taoism. The disciples use too profound to be understood the magic power of the enemy, exquisite. The king of the demon world, I do not know when, somehow and refuge in the thousand rille, mysterious demon clan, as some power asylum, the whole mountain...

标签: 游戏