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Ibrahimovic landing Sina "wild" articles goddess attack

2015-03-20 16:26:43来源: 新浪

凭借出众的足下功夫一战成名的巴黎圣日耳曼球队中锋——伊布拉希莫维奇近日登陆新浪游戏《狂野足球》,这位有着“大奉先”之称的球员, 身材高大球技超群,其永不服输、唯吾独尊的精神像极了三国时期的第一猛将吕布,可以说若能将这位良将纳入麾下,你的球队定会攻无不克战无不胜! 《狂野足球》官方网...

with superior feet Kung Fu world famous Paris Saint Germain team center -- Ibrhimovic recently landing Sina Game Football "wild", the "big Fengxian" said players, tall skills Chaoqun, its never admit defeat, assume air of self-importance spirit like the in the period of Three Kingdoms the first Reggie Lv Bu, it can be said if the generals under, your team will ever-victorious invincible! "Wild" official network of football...