新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄联盟官方公告:改名卡道具将被临时下架


The official announcement hero alliance: name card props will be temporarily under the frame of

2015-03-20 18:40:33来源: 电玩巴士

亲爱的LOL玩家 由于改名卡存在机制缺陷,需要临时下架处理。我们的技术人员正在紧急修复,待修复后重新上架,请关注后续公告! 因此给您带来的不便,我们非常抱歉,感谢您的理解与支持

dear LOL game player since renamed card existence mechanism defects, need to temporarily to deal with the next frame. Our technicians are emergency repair, to repair after re shelves, please pay attention to the subsequent announcement! The inconvenience, we are very sorry, thank you for your understanding and support

标签: 英雄联盟