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【玩家心得】IOS花好月圆 首冲神兽党经验交流

[] IOS game player experience perfect conjugal bliss Song Chong animal party experience exchange

2015-03-19 18:17:22来源: 4399

端游移植来的回合制神武手游相信许多人都不陌生,今天就和4399挽歌一起来看看那精英玩家☆天空星☆为大家带来的神武手游经验分享~ ▍玩家信息 玩神武也算有一段时间了,因为从来没玩过端游,所以游戏初期走了不少弯路,当然,通过自己的不断琢磨,现在走上正轨。 花费:开服一个神兽(那时候淘宝...

downstream end of transplantation to round Shenwu Mobile Games believes that many people are not unfamiliar, today and the 4399 elegy together have a look the elite game player to sky star brings for everybody Shenwu Mobile Games experience sharing ~ man playing game player information Shenwu also calculate a period of time, because never play go to swim, so early in the game quite a few detours, of course, through their own continuous pondering, on track to go now. Cost: open service an animal (at that time Taobao...

标签: 玩家 iOS