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暗黑3国服官网本周上线 春节后开启测试

Diablo 3's on-line service website this week after the Spring Festival open test

2015-01-26 13:36:13来源: 多玩游戏

今天,2015炉石传说黄金联赛正式落下帷幕,但对暗黑3玩家来说这样的结束似乎并不完美。不过,该来的终究会来!网易副总裁李日强于今天凌晨(2015年1月26日)在微博上宣布,暗黑破坏神3国服的官网将在本周上线,并在春节后开始测试。 @网易_李日强: 国服@暗黑破坏神 服务器已到位了,官网...

today, 2015 furnace stone legend Golden League formally ended, but the Diablo 3 game player it doesn't seem to be the perfect ending. However, what will eventually come! Vice President Li Riqiang to NetEase early today (January 26, 2015) announced in micro-blog, Diablo 3 National Service website will launch in this week, and begin testing after the spring festival. @ NetEase _ Li Riqiang: National Service @ Diablo server already in place, official website...