新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《世界2-风暴帝国》:让男人XX的才是好游戏


"2- world" storm Empire: let a man XX is a good game

2015-01-26 15:49:09来源: 不凡游戏网

《世界2-风暴帝国》28日精英测试刚开放下载,引发的狩猎风暴已席卷全城。虽然游戏目前还未上线,玩家尚无法一睹“庐山真面目”,但官方最近放出了一组“别开生面”的先行宣传海报,爆点十足,令人叹为观止! 关于《世界2》 《世界2》(The World OnlineⅡ)是由谷得游戏与台湾OX...

"world 2-" 28 day storm Empire elite test just open download, triggered by the hunting storms have swept through the city. Although the game is still not online, game player is unable to see the "true face of Mount Lu", but officials recently released a set of "open up a fresh outlook" first posters, detonation point is dye in the wood, a as the acme of perfection! On the "world 2" "world 2" (The World Online II) is a game with the Taiwan OX by the valley...

标签: 游戏