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"TERA" the new occupation flying sickle Diablo story video first burst

2015-01-27 18:48:42来源: 新浪

导语:去年12月11日, 世界级MMORPG《TERA》正式开启了“型动公测”;今年1月8日,与阿勒坤女王的大决战——“女王觉醒”正式打响。那么,下一个新版本又会离我们有多远呢?今天,全新职业 “飞镰”名称正式确定,主视觉海报曝光,一部关于“飞镰”暗黑身世的故事短片也正式公布。对这些充满...

Intro: last December 11th, world class MMORPG "TERA" the official opening of the "dynamic beta"; in January 8th this year, Armageddon and Al Kun Queen -- "awakening Queen" officially started. Then, a new version will be far away from us? Today, new occupation "flying sickle" name formally identified, the main visual poster exposure, a "flying sickle" dark story short story has officially announced. These are full of...

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