新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩法忠实原著《九星天辰诀》获正版授权


Gameplay is faithful to the original "Jiuxing Tianchen Jue" licensed game

2015-01-09 23:12:02来源: 07073游戏网

Youxi.com第一人气玄幻小说网游《九星天辰诀》,由起点中文网正式授权,根据同名人气著作改编而成。游戏世界观忠于原著,主线任务紧扣剧情,并将小说中特色元素融入游戏核心玩法,围绕叶辰、叶媃、阿狸等主角人物展开一段时而激情澎湃、时而荡气回肠的英雄故事,为玩家构建出一个玄幻的异时空世界。 ...

Youxi.com won the first popular fantasy novel net swims "Jiuxing Tianchen Jue", officially licensed by the starting point Chinese network, based on the eponymous popular works adapted. The game world view is faithful to the original, the main task closely plot, and will in the novel features elements into the core gameplay experience, around the leaves, leaf Chen Rou, Ali and other characters on a sometimes passionate, sometimes very touching the hero of the story, for the game player to construct a fantasy world of different time. ...