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The interpretation of the legendary war "expeditionary" million naval fully opened

2015-01-13 11:19:55来源: 多玩游戏

首款玄幻海战网游《远征》正在火爆启航内测之中,全新万人海战系统打破传统国战无脑冲锋的格局,胜负系统全面改版,推出了首个积分制三国海战系统,将国战完美升级,战场更大,玩家更多,对战更激情! 海上战场,全新体验 全新的海战地图“万里海域”已经全面登陆游戏,每一周系统都会选择实力相近的...

first fantasy online games "naval expedition set sail" are popular online, new million naval battle system to break the traditional country war no brain charge pattern, a comprehensive revision of the outcome of the system, introduced the first integral for three naval combat system, the country war upgrade the battlefield, larger, more of the game player, and more passion! The sea battlefield, new experience, new battle map "Wan Li area" has been fully logged in, every week the system will choose close...