新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在玩家心目中 哪一款才是2014年最良心的游戏

在玩家心目中 哪一款才是2014年最良心的游戏

In the game player in mind which one is the game

2015-01-14 11:56:27来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 古有显卡危机,今存BUG召唤。游戏坑爹的花样可谓是品种繁多,目不暇接。而在这样的文化环境下,还有你真爱的游戏吗?那么今天就有玩家给大家来聊聊哪一款才是他们个人心目中2014年最良心的游戏。 在你心目中 哪一款才是2014最良心的游戏

2014 most conscience, please wait... There are ancient card crisis, now the BUG call. Game cheating tricks is variety, dizzying. In such a cultural environment, and you love the game? So today is a game player for everyone to talk about which one is the game in 2014 the conscience of their personal mind. In your mind which one is the conscience of the game 2014

标签: 游戏 玩家