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《太极》绝版坐骑来袭 首件永久时装

"Tai Chi" out of print mounts struck first piece permanent fashion

2014-12-29 09:55:10来源: 17173

2014热血3D武侠网游《太极》绝版坐骑来袭,更有首件永久时装--烽火长霞衣助阵,其惊人属性也是给力到爆表。 天阁雷虎,顾名思义,此虎只应天上有,凡人想要得到绝非易事,而此次在《太极》中的盛元活动中就能得到天阁雷虎。 之前在首周活动中放出的天阁雷虎是很难获得的,而此次只需在幸运盛...

2014 blood 3D the knight errant net to tour "Tai Chi" out of print mounts strikes, more the first pieces of permanent fashion -- Fiberhome Long Xia Yi Hui, the amazing attributes is awesome to blasting table. Tian Ge Thunder Tiger, as the name suggests, the tiger should only be the sky, human want is not easy, but can Sheng Yuan activities in "Tai Chi" in the get days Ge thunder tiger. The release of the first week activities in the days before the court Thunder Tiger is very difficult to obtain, and this only in the lucky sheng...