新关注 > 信息聚合 > Valve:「Steam掌机」可游玩整个Steam游戏库


Valve: "steam handheld" can play the whole steam game library

2021-07-23 15:39:14来源: 游戏时光

今日凌晨 IGN 发布了一支「Steam Deck」设计团队介绍视频。官方在影片中宣称 Steam Deck 可以顺利运行 Steam 库内的所有游戏,游玩今年发售的作品也没有问题。来自 Valve 的开发者 Pierre-Loup Griffais 表示:这是我们第一次达到真正无问题运行最新一代游戏所需的性能水平。我们想让 Steam 库中的所有游戏都切实可玩,我们尚未发现这台设备无法运行的东西。Griffais 指出 PC 游戏的发展趋势是更高的帧数与更精细的分辨率,这其实有利于 Steam Deck,因为这意味着游戏可以轻松缩小至 800p 分辨率并以至少 30 帧的方式运行。硬件工程师 Yazan Aldehayyat 则强调 Steam Deck 采用了 Zen2 + RDNA 2 架构并搭配高速的

Early this morning, ign released an introduction video of a "steam deck" design team. In the film, officials claim that steam deck can run all the Games in steam library smoothly, and there is no problem playing the works released this year. Pierre loop griffais, a developer from valve, said: This is the first time that we have reached the performance level required to run the latest generation of games without problems. We want all the Games in the steam library to be playable. We haven't found anything that this device can't run. Griffais pointed out that the development trend of PC games is higher frame number and finer resolution, which is actually conducive to steam deck, because it means that the game can be easily reduced to 800p resolution and run in at least 30 frames. Yazan aldehayyat, a hardware engineer, stressed that steam deck adopts zen2 + rDNA 2 architecture and high-speed

标签: 游戏 Steam