新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恐怖游戏《小小梦魇2》性能强化版上线,支持光追等特性


The performance enhanced version of the horror game "little nightmare 2" goes online, supporting light chasing and other features

2021-08-26 01:38:09来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫宣布,由 Tarsier 工作室开发的氛围向恐怖冒险解谜游戏《小小梦魇2》的性能强化版现已在 PS5/Xbox Series/PC 平台发布。本强化版支持光线追踪、3D 音效、更细致的光线和粒子效果等特性,已拥有原版游戏的玩家可以进行免费升级。 视频地址

Wandai Nanmeng palace announced that the performance enhanced version of the atmosphere to horror adventure puzzle solving game "little nightmare 2" developed by tarsier studio is now available

标签: 游戏