新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《队长小翼 新秀崛起》销量突破70万套 更新计划公布

《队长小翼 新秀崛起》销量突破70万套 更新计划公布

"The rise of Captain and winglet rookies" sold more than 700000 sets, and the update plan was announced

2021-08-05 14:21:22来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫放出了旗下漫画改编体育竞技游戏《队长小翼 新秀崛起》的制作人留言影片,宣布本作的销量突破了 70 万套,并介绍了游戏 1.31 版本及未来计划的更新内容。视频地址1.31 版本更新内容:追加 BGM 自订功能追加与 COM 配对设定变更功能追加比赛中弃权功能变更等级赛事的配对方式贩售线上保存选手和球队名额改善序章教学 官方表示未来将对游戏线上环境进行调整,包括改善连线延迟和加入同步形式等。

Wandai Nanmeng palace released a message film from the producer of its cartoon adapted sports game "the rise of Captain and wings rookie", announced that the sales volume of this work exceeded 700000 sets, and introduced the updated content of version 1.31 of the game and future plans. Video address version 1.31 update: add BGM customization function, add pairing with com, set change function, add abstention function in the game, change the pairing method of level events, sell online, save players and team quota, and improve the preface Teaching & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Officials said that the online environment of the game will be adjusted in the future, including improving connection delay and adding synchronization forms.