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Ubisoft multiplayer FPS xdefiant 6-minute real machine demonstration announcement

2021-08-05 11:16:54来源: 游戏时光

育碧旗下汤姆·克兰西宇宙免费多人 FPS《XDefiant》近日于北美及加拿大地区开启了 PC 平台封闭测试,包含商场、航空航天博物馆等 10 张地图及占点、护送、对战等 5 种模式可玩。外媒 IGN 发布了一段测试版的实机演示内容,时长 6 分钟。视频地址《XDefiant》汇集了《细胞分裂》《幽灵行动》和《全境封锁》主题的角色,预计登录 PS5/PS4/Xbox Series/Xbox One/PC/Luna/Stadia 平台,支持跨平台联机。

Ubisoft's Tom Clancy universe free multiplayer FPS xdefiant recently opened a closed test of PC platform in North America and Canada, including 10 maps such as shopping malls and aerospace museums, and 5 modes such as point occupation, escort and war. Foreign media ign released a test version of the real machine demonstration, which lasted 6 minutes. The video address "xdefiant" brings together the characters with the themes of "cell division", "ghost operation" and "all territory blockade". It is expected to log in to the ps5 / PS4 / Xbox series / Xbox one / PC / Luna / stadia platform and support cross platform online.

标签: PS